Isabella Modra

Isabella Modra

<h4 dir="ltr">Experience Isabella's experience</h4>

Isabella has been with Flight Centre for three years. After her novice year, she moved to Canada to live and work at a ski resort near Banff. She drove east across Canada to Nova Scotia and worked at a luxury golf resort in the beautiful Maritimes, then migrated back for another winter up in Jasper. Upon returning to Australia,  Isabella eased right back into work as a consultant at Flight Centre and has been fortunate to travel to exactly 30 countries since graduating from high school. She considers herself a Canada expert is also well-versed in rare and wonderful places such as Iceland and Egypt, and has travelled across most of Europe as well.

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Flight Centre

© Flight Centre Travel Group (Pty) Ltd. Registration No. 1994/000253/07.

*Prices are in ZAR and subject to availability. Please refer to specific product’s terms and conditions.