Air Travel with Children - Tips for Flying with Toddlers and Young Kids

As a seasoned traveller, and therefore most probably a frequent flyer, you know very well how unpleasant a flight can be with fractious children sharing the limited cabin space with you. We offer the following advice to people considering travelling with children, whether for the first time or as regular flyers, that will make everyone’s journey as pleasant as possible. 


2min read

Published 13 December 2022


As a seasoned traveller, and therefore most probably a frequent flyer, you know very well how unpleasant a flight can be with fractious children sharing the limited cabin space with you. We offer the following advice to people considering travelling with children, whether for the first time or as regular flyers, that will make everyone’s journey as pleasant as possible. 

If children on the flight have never flown before they can possibly enter the aircraft with a great sense of trepidation and some start crying.  After all, most youngsters are creatures of routine and habit so climbing into such a huge contraption with so many strangers is out of their comfort zone and can literally stress them out. 

On the other hand, some kids take in the experience in wide-eyed wonder and, in rare cases, are stunned into silence! But as you well know, it doesn't take children long to get bored and as the flight continues, they become more and more unsettled. And some even begin ‘playing up' before you have even left the runway behind you! It all boils down to you, you as the parent/guardian to make sure that your charges are good and ready for the flight ahead. The expression “forewarned is forearmed” springs readily to mind at this point.

There is no doubt about it, a bit of pre-planning, long before you arrive at the airport, is time well spent. Once that is under your belt consider what you can do to make the flight as comfortable, stress-free, and enjoyable for the child, for yourself the flight attendant and for your fellow passengers as possible.


Remember that aircraft these days can carry over 850 people and this can sometimes be overwhelming for your little ones. In some cases to put it politely, not everyone is fond of children as you are so it's up to you to do your best to keep your little ones settled kids entertained, calm and in-check throughout the flight. Worry not, we got your back with these top tips...


Before the flight

Be meticulous when planning for the flight you will take.  A good option to consider is booking with an airline that allows you to pre-book seating.  Pick the right seats, make sure your group stays together, and select a time of departure that fits in with your child's daily routine. Consider the times when the children get sleepy. For example, if they are used to taking a nap at 2pm, get onto a flight that is in the air by that time, after first tiring them out with multiple activities (preferably outdoors) during the morning!  A good night's sleep before the flight is recommended for everyone, children, and adults alike!

When it comes to deciding on where to sit, there are only two good options available. The first is to book your seats towards the rear of the plane. The back of the plane is usually where toilets are situated making frequent toilet trips with kids and for yourselves convenient. The other option is to see if you can book seats in the very front row, because certain airlines reserve these seats for families with young children. If you have a baby-in-arms, check with the airline if has facilities for nappy changing.

Finally, your children may not have been exposed to the various security measures found at airports.  Tell them about the security screening process, why it's in place, that it will not damage any of their stuff and that Teddy or Dolly will be given right back to them once through the airport screening process.

Ok, you have put all your pre-planning in place. You have gone ahead and booked the most appropriate international flight, and as an added benefit, you have made your booking online.

Now what?  

First, think about safety and take the appropriate steps to ensure everyone's (but especially your children's) security. Take a photo on your cell phone of each of your children (individually) – it might be useful for tracking a lost child among the masses milling around the airport for example. Keep photographic evidence of passports, boarding passes, and other travel documents in the event one of these items gets lost at any point of your trip. Point out persons in authority your children could turn to for help if need be. Make sure the kids fully understand the importance of announcements made on the plane and following the flight staff's instructions.


During the flight

Remember this simple fact. 

Air travel with children is anything but stress-free. There will indeed be the stress of some sort while you are busy cruising above the clouds!  Most of your flying time will be focused on the children, whether it's spent entertaining them, cleaning up after them, or putting them to sleep; so be wise, prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best!  That said, if your preparations are properly done you will certainly reduce the stress you will be under.

Our Top Tips:

Have a good, healthy (fat-free) meal before you leave home, or, at a pinch, eat at the airport, especially if you are flying with kids or taking an overnight flight. You and the kids will feel like taking a nap almost as soon as you board the aeroplane. In your hand luggage pack, some of those multi-seed protein bars (rather than sweets/candy) to munch on should you feel peckish later.  A packet of wet wipes/hand sanitisers is simply a "must-have".

Pack efficiently for the trip. Your carry-on luggage should include only items you will need to board the plane, to use during the flight (especially specific items for the age of the kid(s) travelling with you) and what you'll need on disembarking at your destination

These days, most seats have video screens built into the headrests of the seats in front of you, or even into the bulkhead facing you in the front row seats. These screens offer a huge variety of shows and entertainment and the earphones provided will prevent the sound from the screens from being intrusive.  Also, take along the kids' electronic games (smartphone dependent of course). If there is no onboard video screen, pack a pack a phone or tablet with pre-downloaded movies or series for your kids to watch as the device would be on flight mode during the flight, make sure to pack headphones, there are also multiple games kids can play in silent mode. A favourite book to read, or to be read from, is another option. Pack something familiar from home that they're comfortable with. A soft toy that they can cuddle when they feel uncertain or insecure could be a blessing.

Warn older parents of children to not make any jokes about bombs, hijacking or other such inappropriate comments!


After the flight

You and your young ones will most probably heave a sigh of relief once you arrive at your destination.  But more than heaving sighs of relief and stretching stiff muscles, everyone should take the time to settle in and make themselves comfortable. Have a meal. Get well hydrated.  And then?  Have a good sleep! You and young child can start your holiday fully refreshed…

When flying with kids, packing essential items can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable journey. Start with snacks such as fruits, crackers, and granola bars to keep hunger at bay during the flight, as well as a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated. Pack a variety of activities such as coloring books, puzzles, and handheld games to keep them entertained, along with headphones for electronic devices. Don't forget comfort items like a favorite stuffed animal or blanket, as well as any necessary medications or comfort items they may need. Additionally, consider packing a change of clothes in case of spills or accidents, and include travel-sized toiletries for longer flights. By packing thoughtfully, you can help ensure your kids stay comfortable, entertained, and happy throughout the journey.

Flying with kids on a long haul flight can be a daunting task, but with some careful planning, it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience for both parents and kids. Start by packing essential items such as snacks, toys, books, and electronic devices to keep them entertained during the flight. Book direct flights, packa snack basket, choose seats strategically, opting for ones closer to the restroom and with extra legroom if possible, sometimes your best bet is a window seat can also do wonders and keep the kids entertained with clear sky or lit up night views. Encourage them to stay hydrated and comfortable by dressing them in layers and ensuring they have their favorite blanket or stuffed animal for comfort. Additionally, let other passengers know you have kids with you and explain the flying process to the small children beforehand to ease any anxieties and consider downloading kid-friendly apps or movies to keep them occupied during the flight. You can also request special assistance if need be to take the stress off of you. Lastly, be patient and flexible, as unexpected situations may arise, and remember to stay calm and positive to help maintain a pleasant atmosphere throughout the journey.

Here are other tips on travelling with kids 



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